Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thru the Flu

It was fun to sit back and watch Tommy play "thru the flu" today. I question my motives sometimes...thinking perhaps it wasn't the best decision to even allow him to play because he was sick. He wanted to help his friends though...and not let them down. Who am I to stand in the way of that??

He's playing video games with a friend now, which tells me that I probably made the right choice. That slap shot goal from the blue line toward the end of the third period was the real kicker though.

Go #9...I love you! Oh, and go Blades!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thanks to Hope

Well, thanks to Hope for making me realize I haven't written on here since February 2010! Geez. Where have I been? Well with a husband, two kids and now THREE dogs (love my Gracie) I just haven't found the time.

Book III is still in process with 150+ pages...but so much more needs written and it's simply too hard sometimes to find the time. I keep keying away someday it WILL happen.

Taking another look at books I & II to edit...again...but it's simply part of the process. And if anyone has free time (I know, a crazy thought) and knows something about websites, I'd sure appreciate the help!

Til next time (hopefully not 11 months from now)