Sunday, August 31, 2008

It's a shame...

I had two separate events happen to me this last week that just really took me for a loop. Neither of which had anything to do with the trilogy....Book 1 received reading/editing & Book 2 received some good old computer time. All is well with both and each are progressing nicely. As for the two other items however, well they deserve being retold...

I had one of my daugher's teachers attempt to push me back to the 50's...actually that's not actually far enough, I believe he actually attempted to throw me into Afghanistan. Meeting the man...who will remain nameless out of respect that he chose not to give me , this man talked over me and more importantly held a five-fingered hand in my face almost an attempt to hush my reasoning. Now he didn't know me and I never once gave in but let me just say that his demeanor changed only when Scott arrived. It's sad that he felt he only truly needed to show respect when a man entered the room. Regardless, I'm going to leave that alone because frankly ignorance doesn't deserve much thought...acknowledge ignorance and move on....

And that leads me to acknowledging ignorance my son's football game over the weekend.

Please let me add that we (as a team) are beginning in the program and lack the depth of other teams we play, thus we lose...and lose badly. Some may ask what my son takes from this experience and I would say that he has the resources of 5 dedicated coaches. Well, that is also now in question but that wasn't the second delimna. What was...was another dad. I watched a dad on Saturday scream at the coaches, his son and the remaining players. When the game was over and the scoreboard read 40-0 he approached the field for the second time and dropped F-bombs to a certain coach (in front of my son) even saying he'd take him 'right here and right now.' My son was not impressed. And with both stories I just wanted to share this...either was I.

I live in my own world where I believe that the good will outweigh the bad but in reality, the bad is all around us and it's our job to take care of those we love. I spent quite a bit of time explaining to my daughter and son that sometimes people can just make asses of themselves. Doesn't mean their bad just means that in these particular instances they'd belong better in a foreign country...or in the stands at a NASCAR race.

Forgive details will follow next time...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another Thursday has come and gone....

Well...I got quite a bit done with Book 1 this week, yet as always it was never as much as I had intended. That's just the way things go when you're a wife and the mom of two kids.

Oh well...Scott and I hit the road with our little angels once again this weekend for another fun-filled football Saturday...we'll get more reading/editing time in then that's for sure...

And if all goes as planned, I should have my rewrite/edits for Book 1 finished by the end of 2008...then it's off to pleading for someone to take on my little trilogy....and while I hope to prove a 'master of the beg,' rewrite/edits will continue on with Book 2.

Til next time...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday's editing....

SO, my editing of Book 1 (it has a title, I'm just not ready to share it yet) didn't amount to as much as I would have liked today. I spent about an hour on the computer and then took Tommy to football practice where I expected to get some red-pencil time, that didn't happen quite like I had planned.

Spent a wee bit of time with the red ink and a little bit more than a wee bit of time talking to other football parents...until Tommy came off the field a tad bit injured....

Needless to say after spending a little shy of two hours in the Emergency Room....we walked away with something 'male-sounding' called a 'stinger' and a contusion to the left arm. NO broken bones...which means football and hockey may continue on....

God shined on us this where is that pillow...I'm exhausted.

And so it begins...

Well, here I to the whole blogging thing. Tammy has one...I keep forgetting to check it. I guess that's so because I have so many accounts now...AOL, google, facebook, myspace...the list goes on and on. Regardless, I'm finally getting with the times...

It's my intention to eventually post excerpts and ideas from my books on this keep checking back for updates on their status.

Now til next time...back to my life as wife and mother....